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According to a TED Case Study, four times as much fuelwood is needed to cook a meal for a Western tourist than for a Nepalidue largely to differences in diet.Many tea houses use yak dung as fuel and others use kerosene.Cutting of wood is mostly prohibited and there are tree farms that willhopefully restore the forests one day. However, replica Omega 321. watch overriding all theenvironmental concerns is the fact that tourism is now the majoreconomic driver for Nepal. The people of the Khumbu Region know thatprotection of their area will ensure future tourism plus provide afuture for their children. As always, it is about achieving balance.Tourism is a double-edge sword. Without it, this area would be miredin deep poverty.

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It will take about 8 days depending on how theacclimatization process goes.The trek to base camp is a lifetime event for some people and alwaysa highlight for Everest climbers. There are no paved roads as the routeenters the Sagarmatha National Park. The Park is about 450 square milesand includes Everest, Ama Dablam and many other peaks. It is an UNESCOWorld Heritage Site and the entrance fee is a bargain USD$13.84. About3500 replica Omega 1475.51 watch Sherpas call the area home.The tea houses will be full once again and the local Nepaleseenjoying the business that comes from climbers and trekkers. But withall this popularity, there is a price.According to Nepal SK 2993, 17000 trekkers employ 14000 porters,2500 guides and staff, 2800 yak owners and 14000 merchandise porters(carrying goods for Sherpa lodge owners and other traders in thetourist region).


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In the past few weeks, the crew had removed 1,200 kilos (2,646 lb) of garbage, and by the end of the summer, he anticipated 22,000 kilos (48,502 lb) would have to be carried out of K2, Broad Peak, and Gasherbrum base camps. You can learn replica Bell & RossVintage 123 V123BEI-SL Men more about the effort at evk2cnr.org.Fredrik and I thanked the crew for their hospitality and wished them luck in their valiant endeavor. If we were going to make it to K2, it was time to get moving.

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